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donderdag 17 maart 2011

Hard Rock Cafe

One of the most famous restaurants in London is the Hard Rock Cafe. The first and original Hard Rock Cafe where it all began is situated nearby Hyde Park. You can have a nice walk in the park and have lunch at the Cafe. It’s in walking distance of the park. After the restaurant in London opened other Cafes were built in Amsterdam, Gran Canaria, ... Because it’s so famous you should better make a reservation or else it you could spend most of the time waiting to get in.

Inside heaps of big screens entertain the guests. Music clips of old and new artist are showed and their music echoes around the room. Against the walls you can see guitars, outfits, LP’s, ... from all sorts of artists. They donated some of their possessions and over the years the Hard Rock Cafe has built up quite a collection. The menu isn’t that big but doesn’t really matter because you don’t go there for a five star meal. A hamburger and some chips are all you need! The waiters are really friendly and the food is served quickly. After you have enjoined your meal you can have a look at the impressive gallery. One of the show-pieces is a Jimi Hendrix guitar but everyone will find something of their choice. Don’t forget to visit the building next to the Hard Rock Cafe. You can find a little museum and a shop there

The Hard Rock Cafe is a nice restaurant to have a quick meal and the atmosphere is great. It’s must see for all the music fans out there!

Source: http://imaginepeace.com/archives/7174

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